2025 Calendar – La luz de mi corazón

4. January 2025

My 2025 pho­to calen­dar is dedi­ca­ted to the bird­life of the Ibe­ri­an Pen­in­su­la. The images were cap­tu­red during a mul­ti-week road trip from Ger­ma­ny through France to Spain and Por­tu­gal. The calen­dar high­lights ico­nic bird spe­ci­es of sou­thern Euro­pe, such as the Grea­ter Fla­min­go, Grif­fon Vul­tu­re, Spot­less Star­ling, and Sar­di­ni­an Warb­ler. A cover page, a fore­word, and a back page with an over­view of all calen­dar sheets frame the month­ly pages. The lay­out was desi­gned by my fri­end, pho­to­grapher and gra­phic desi­gner Jen­ny Otto.

In a con­ver­ted VW van, I tra­vel­led across the Ibe­ri­an Pen­in­su­la for seve­ral weeks in 2024 with my part­ner Lu and our dog Lot­ta. At the very top of our bucket list were, of cour­se, seve­ral bir­ding hot­spots. Thanks to the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of van life, I was able to spend as much time as I wan­ted at each loca­ti­on. I often spent sun­ri­ses and sun­sets at the best spots for bird­wat­ching and pho­to­gra­phy. This allo­wed me to cap­tu­re a handful of inti­ma­te shots of the ico­nic bird spe­ci­es of the Ibe­ri­an Peninsula.


Calendar data


My heart­felt thanks go to Jen­ny Otto, who has been desig­ning the lay­out for my annu­al bird calen­dars sin­ce 2022. Our col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve calen­dar pro­ject is non-pro­fit, as we sell the calen­dars at pro­duc­tion cost, main­ly to fami­ly and friends.

The calen­dar fea­tures a ring bin­ding, mea­su­res 30x45 cm (por­trait for­mat), and is prin­ted by a Ber­lin-based prin­ting com­pa­ny on very thick, high-qua­li­ty paper (300 g/m²). If you’re inte­res­ted in a calen­dar, I’d be hap­py to pro­vi­de more infor­ma­ti­on. You can get in touch via the cont­act form on this website.


Calendar pages


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