
My first steps as a natu­re pho­to­grapher were cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the Wad­den Sea UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge Site. Many of my pho­tos were taken main­ly in the Dutch Wad­den Sea area. As part of a two-month, self-orga­nis­ed pho­to trip, I focu­sed inten­si­ve­ly on the avif­au­na of the Ibe­ri­an Pen­in­su­la. My pho­to­graphs have also been taken in Bel­gi­um, Den­mark, France, Ita­ly, Ice­land, Cana­da, Nor­way, the USA, Swe­den, Switz­er­land and South Korea.


Born in Colo­gne, 1991. I took my first pho­tos of land­scapes and archi­tec­tu­re on fami­ly holi­days with an ana­lo­gue came­ra. Stu­di­ed Ger­man Stu­dies and Cogni­ti­ve Sci­ence in Frei­burg. Work­ed various jobs and intern­ships as a jour­na­list and pho­to­grapher for dif­fe­rent media out­lets. Star­ted a PhD pro­gram­me in Com­pu­ter­lin­gu­i­stics Nij­me­gen in 2019. Vol­un­teer excur­si­on lea­der for the Dutch Wad­den­ver­eni­ging sin­ce 2019. First encoun­ter with bird pho­to­gra­phy in 2020. Based in Ros­tock sin­ce 2023.


I shoot with the Nikon D7100 and the AF‑S NIKKOR 200–500mm 1:5.6E. As camou­fla­ge ele­ments I use the Fal­co Mark II and camou­fla­ge clot­hing. For came­ra sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on, I use a tri­pod and bean bag. The purcha­se pri­ce of my equip­ment is less than €3,000. I deve­lop RAW files in the free pro­gram­mes Darktable and NeatImage.


My first steps as a natu­re pho­to­grapher were cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the Wad­den Sea UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge Site. Many of my pho­tos were taken main­ly in the Dutch Wad­den Sea area. As part of a two-month, self-orga­nis­ed pho­to trip, I focu­sed inten­si­ve­ly on the avif­au­na of the Ibe­ri­an Pen­in­su­la. My pho­to­graphs have also been taken in Bel­gi­um, Den­mark, France, Ita­ly, Ice­land, Cana­da, Nor­way, the USA, Swe­den, Switz­er­land and South Korea.


Born in Colo­gne, 1991. I took my first pho­tos of land­scapes and archi­tec­tu­re on fami­ly holi­days with an ana­lo­gue came­ra. Stu­di­ed Ger­man Stu­dies and Cogni­ti­ve Sci­ence in Frei­burg. Work­ed various jobs and intern­ships as a jour­na­list and pho­to­grapher for dif­fe­rent media out­lets. Star­ted a PhD pro­gram­me in Com­pu­ter­lin­gu­i­stics Nij­me­gen in 2019. Vol­un­teer excur­si­on lea­der for the Dutch Wad­den­ver­eni­ging sin­ce 2019. First encoun­ter with bird pho­to­gra­phy in 2020. Based in Ros­tock sin­ce 2023.


I shoot with the Nikon D7100 and the AF‑S NIKKOR 200–500mm 1:5.6E. As camou­fla­ge ele­ments I use the Fal­co Mark II and camou­fla­ge clot­hing. For came­ra sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on, I use a tri­pod and bean bag. The purcha­se pri­ce of my equip­ment is less than €3,000. I deve­lop RAW files in the free pro­gram­mes Darktable and NeatImage.