Shoot me a message

I am not only a natu­re pho­to­grapher, but also an excur­si­on lea­der, public spea­k­er and for­mer radio pre­sen­ter. My artic­les have been published in sci­en­ti­fic jour­nals, dai­ly news­pa­pers and various print and online maga­zi­nes. In my free time, I like to get invol­ved in natu­re-rela­ted projects.

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Shoot me a message

I am not only a natu­re pho­to­grapher, but also an excur­si­on lea­der, public spea­k­er and for­mer radio pre­sen­ter. My artic­les have been published in sci­en­ti­fic jour­nals, dai­ly news­pa­pers and various print and online maga­zi­nes. In my free time, I like to get invol­ved in natu­re-rela­ted projects.

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