Discover the avian world

With my pho­tos, I aim to pro­vi­de authen­tic glim­p­ses into the fasci­na­ting realm of birds. Read about my adven­tur­ous encoun­ters with the­se fea­the­red earth dwel­lers on the blog and dive into a world of wonders.

Recent blog posts:

Purple sandpipers in Warnemünde

Purple sandpipers in Warnemünde

War­ne­mün­de isn’t my usu­al spot for pho­to­gra­phy. It’s too tou­ris­ty, crow­ded, and noisy—peace is hard to come by here. But once a year, War­ne­mün­de turns into some­thing tru­ly spe­cial, and no, I’m not tal­king about the Han­se Sail. Each autumn and win­ter, a small group of Pur­ple sand­pi­pers makes an appearance. The­se har­dy litt­le crea­tures scour the harbour’s break­wa­ters in search of food.

Wader Autumn Migration on Texel – III

Wader Autumn Migration on Texel – III

The Dutch verb uit­waai­en does­n’t trans­la­te well into Ger­man. It is pro­no­un­ced some­thing like »autwei­en« and is made up of the words uit (mea­ning »out«) and waai­en (mea­ning »to blow«). Uit­waai­en refers to going for a walk in the fresh air, pre­fer­a­b­ly at the beach,…

Wader Autumn Migration on Texel – II

Wader Autumn Migration on Texel – II

Mor­ning hours have gold in their mouth is a well-known Ger­man pro­verb. While I often strugg­le to get out of bed in my dai­ly life, I can’t get up ear­ly enough in my free time. Most birds are most acti­ve in the ear­ly mor­ning hours. Addi­tio­nal­ly, as a pho­to­grapher, I can…

See what I see

As a natu­re pho­to­grapher, I regu­lar­ly wit­ness the tou­ch­ing beau­ty of Mother Earth. My pho­to­gra­phic jour­neys take me to the city park, the Wad­den Sea, and to the ends of the earth. In the fol­lo­wing gal­lery, you can get a first look at my latest works.

New photos:

Follow the wader

As a vol­un­teer excur­si­on lea­der on Texel and Ter­schel­ling, I have exten­si­ve­ly explo­red the Wad­den Sea in the Net­her­lands. To cap­tu­re the bird­life of this uni­que land­scape, I rely on estab­lished methods along­side tech­ni­ques I have deve­lo­ped myself.